HSR residents organise candle light march for missing dogs

HSR residents organise candle light march for missing dogs 1
HSR pet lovers are alleging that vans are coming at midnight in HSR Layout to take away stray dogs for their meat. The next time, you eat out, you could be having ‘Bow Bow Biriyani’ instead of beef, chicken or mutton biriyani, they allege, citing a famous case that happened recently in Chennai where a restaurant was caught selling dog meat to its patrons.
In addition, relocating dogs is a violation of the Supreme Court order that only permits the BBMP to pick up the dog for vaccination and return the dog to its original habitat. The problem happens when it’s done unscientifically either by private operators or the BBMP contractors.
Pressured by the VVIPs, the residents allege that they could be catching dogs and relocating them elsewhere. When that happens, the dogs get more aggressive as they form packs to defend themselves in a new territory, according to CUPA (Compassion Unlimited Plus Action) Founder Trustee Suparna Ganguly. Which is why, it’s best to keep the dogs where they originally belonged.