Residents stop drainage work

Allege that BBMP’s adhoc measures could cause flooding again


The diversion of lake water from Somasundrapalya Lake in Kudlu is still in the midst of a controversy. BBMP has resorted to an adhoc solution when a permanent solution is the need of the hour. Last month was no exception. The residents stopped the drain work in front of Nagarjuna Apartments in Sector 2. Says Pooja W, a member of Sector 3 Residents Welfare Association. “Despite objections from residents against the proposed Masterplan 2031, the BBMP has begun the drain work on 27th Cross Road and Government school Road in Sector 3. This connects to the narrow lane of 26th Cross Road which is downhill. Constructing this will cause a disaster in Sector 3 as the drain width is 10 metres and depth is just 7.5 metres. This will eventually connect to a small 3 metre drain on 22nd Cross Road that will submerge the entire locality.”

Residents stop drainage work 1

Last month, the residents pleaded with the authorities to stop diverting the stormwater drains to 17th main because the area is densely populated and the drains cannot take the extra load. “They should instead connect to 19th Main Service Road. Our larger point to the BBMP is to not connect large storm water drains to small shoulder drains as there is a flow mismatch,” says resident Mohan R.

The drain work has stopped but the residents worry about the eventual outcome. Right now, the untreated lake water which contains the harmful discharges from the polluting compost plant, KCDC (Karnataka Compost Development Corporation) is entering a storm water drain abutting the rear side of Nagarjuna apartments. This waste water passes through a private property and enters 27th Cross in front of Nagarjuna Apartments. From here, it flows on to 19th Main service road which is further connected to 25th Cross in Sector 3, a low lying area that is worst affected.

“The proposed drain width of 17th main by BBMP is 10 feet, but it does not seem to be feasible as there are sewage lines alongside the existing drain,” says the sub committee report by the Sector 3 Residents Welfare Association. “This means that the 10 feet by 7.5 feet drain from 27th cross road could get connected to the existing 3 feet by 6 feet drain on 17th main road leading to floods again. There being too many curves and bends in the route of the drain, the velocity of water flow would be reduced again, leading to floods and rendering the drains unmanageable.”