Suffering from a rain issue? Call BBMP at these numbers…

Suffering from a rain issue? Call BBMP at these numbers... 1

BBMP is ready for the rains with Prahari, their mobile jeep equipped with everything they need to remove uprooted trees, and pump out water.

Prahari is an emergency response vehicle of the BBMP, and there are six at different points in the city, like Bommanahalli and Mahadevapura that receive the most complaints due to rain. From tree-cutters and pickaxes to ladders, electric saws, ropes and pumps, the six Praharis are at your service.

In addition, BBMP Commissioner BH Anil Kumar is particularly cautioning riders. “I request all motorists, especially 2-wheeler riders, to ride carefully,” he has tweeted. “Road rage is no answer to slow traffic movement due to rains. Don’t ride on footpaths.”

Call BBMP Control Room at 080-22221181, 22975595, 22100031 & 22100032 for assistance.